Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Episode II - Arrival at Cholganna

Episode II

We opt for the direct flight to Cholganna, with no stopovers.

Small talk with IT3 reveals that he is to assist us with recovering the cargo and crew (command staff) if they are still around. He was the personal aid to the captain.

Arrive at the Cholganna system to find it is a disk? Sensors are blown out due to nebula. We find the planet, and scan the surface to narrow down the region where the ship might be, and lo-and-behold, a large debris field! Faint escape beacon is also found.

A YT-2400 (modified) appears and takes a shot at us. We scare him off, but only into the asteroids.

We land near the escape pod that we found. The pod is down a cliff, of course. Since no one else volunteers, I climb down to the pod. See the words "34 Besh", and am annoyed by some thumb-sized bugs that are remotely-zapped by Dragool and Provence. There is a skeletal body in the pod, and a computer... which leads me to climb back up, and carry Provence down so he can get the memory stick... but he ends up destroying it in his attempt. I mean really, I could have done that myself, and not had to carry him down to do it!

To be continued...

Episode I - Sent In Search of the Sa Nalaor

Episode I

Our good friend Dantar has an associate who is looking for some talents, and Dantar thinks we might be interested. We follow him to The Wheel, a neutral station with some kind of protection gambit going on with the Empire (must be, because they're doing pretty fine if you ask me!) Of course, the station has outlandish docking fees. I mean come on, 200 credits per day? And with approx 300k people on the station, they must be making a killing!
The Wheel
We are directed to meet Reom, of Isotech. They are somewhat legit, with some black-ops on the side. Their protocol droid CZ14 introduces us to the Twi'lek Reom. Reom tells us the store of the "Sa Nalaor."

  • Ship of legend, approx 15 years ago.
  • Salvage hunter's wet dream
  • separatist treasure ship
  • Was at the outer rim during the clone wars
  • One of their message pods recently found
  • We have their last known location - outer fringe of the outer rim!
Tasked with
  • Finding the ship
  • Assessing its condition
  • Return info to RAXUS Prime
  • Find special tech
    • 2x reward
    • 3x if good (don't ask me what that means... I can't read my claw-writing)
  • Bring IT3PO ("IT3" for short) with us to ident the crew and cargo
  • We have the coordinates
Reward of 10k total, other treasure is 50/50

No other groups that they know of, but independent searchers are to be expected

  • Ship's captain had agreement with Reom's father
  • Cpt. was asked to come to Cholganna System with undue haste with medicines and supplies
  • Deal would still be intact (just need the tech)
  • IT3PO is our proof of relation
  • Deal was something related to advanced tech
  • Capt. Rel Harsol of the Sa Nalaor
  • Father Ropok of ISOTECH
We are given a datachip with the ship's specs and layout, along with a holo of the captain
Something else about a scrap heap point on Raxis Prime, Reconn path through the junkyard canyon. By this point in the conversation my teeth were aching and I wanted to kill something, so my attention was wandering. 

Provence then did his techno-voodoo
  • Data entry by "Grimners"
    • Sa Nalaor desired, and famous for disappearing
    • Loaded with treasure and credits
    • Corellian trade route with cyber techs
    • Chased by Imperials, and disappeared in a hyperspace jump
    • Was banking clan frigate, with thousands of battle droids! Crew of 50
  • Find schematic, was typical Munificent Class ship
  • The planet is remote, with temperate atmosphere
  • Cholganna have something called "nexu"
We invest in 
  • 2 crash survival kits (600 credits total)
  • Balanced hilt for me and Rawr (2000 credits total)
  • Space suits for all (150x5 = 750 credits total)
  • Top-up our bacta tank
  • Stock up on rations (200 credits)
Back at our ship, we notice a 'droid placing something on our hull. We dispose of it before we leave. Probably a tracking device.

We are contacted by She-Ra (???), and told that IT3 should arrive in 3 minutes. Of course, things go pear-shaped, when 3 Rhodians on a grav sled load up the protocol droid and take off. After a heroic battle surrounded by an adulating crowd, we get back our droid. But it appears the crowd was not pleased by our performance, because we are arrested and forced to pay for "damages." 15,000 credits worth!

Reom is angry at us.

Dragool sums up my feelings by saying "The Wheel is too square for me"

36XP split 4-ways = 9 XP each

Starting credits = 65,850
Expenses = 200+600+2000+750+200+15000 = 18,750
Ending credits = 47,100

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Adar Talon Found!

Turns out the old farm has been burned out before we got there. What we did find were two human female youths who were afraid of their shadows after their ordeal. Trandoshan children are bread to be tough - you wouldn't find them cowering like rats!

We find a blaster pistol in the rubble, so it is not a total write-off. Arro transports them back to Mos Eisley, while the rest of us go on to check out the Tuscan Fort.

On the way we travel thru a narrow pass. Perfect time for a herd of bantha to stampede! Looks like this is no random act though because the lead bantha has a body tired around it's neck!

Provence sensibly dives for the cover of some nearby pebbles. Dragool and I look around and just know hiding is not in the cards for us. Dragool and I take two different approaches...

Dragool decides to dodge and weave through the bantha, body surfing through the beasts. But he forgot to your his boot buckle or something because he quickly found himself underfoot.

I couldn't go around like Provence, couldn't go through like Dragool, so the only option was to go over! Take charge of things! Jumping up on the first one was no problem at all. Bit I had some problems convincing the beast to turn right when he wanted to turn left, and he managed to loosen my grip. I tried to re-seat myself, but he three me off! And he had the bantha balls to trample all over me on his way by!
When Dragool and I dusted ourselves off, Provence was casually waiting for us.

We got back on the trail to the fort, and found it before too long. We got a lukewarm welcome, but we did finally meet with Adar Talon. Problem was that he didn't want to come along with us! We did get some help from his friend Quiss, who double-crossed him by calling in the bounty hunters.

An epic battle later, we are the only ones standing. We do find another one of those sweet nodded heavy blasters though.

Adar agrees to come back with us, seeing that his family is being put at risk and all.

Back at the ship, we find storm troopers, along with that silver bounty hunter! We kill 2 in the first two moves, then a grenade is lobbed by the hunter, but it is not that effective. Dragool and Provence soften him up, but it is up to me to climb on top of our own ship to finish him off.

When we leave, we find a start destroyer, belching out tie fighters at us. G'unresh tries out our new lasers and destroys three tie fighters in one shoot. "Don't get cocky!" shouts Dragool from the pilots chair. Well, with shooting like that, and some expert piloting we are soon out of the system.

We deliver Adar to Duntar's at Roche, to many thanks, and more importantly 5,000 credits each. (Total 25,000)

+14 XP