If you recall, we had defeated Daro Blunt. It was there that we recovered the astromech R4W9, who is very friendly and helpful - it seems he will remain with us as long as he feels welcomed, and appreciated. We then recovered our spaceship, and with R9 we headed to the lunar base of Bandin Dubah.
We engaged in a space battle that our wonderful gunners were able to easily dispatch. Manoeuvring through the tight confines of the tunnels, we found his base, where we went guns blazing. A heated fight took place, both in the space-dock, as well as in the corridors of his vessel. Surprisingly enough, we were able to capture him alive. After looting the place, we found a trove of drugs.
After rezzing the pilot from grievous wounds suffered from both the Rodian bounty hunter, and Bandin's axe. We headed to Slayvron, where we handed Bandin over to Tahka the Hutt, and where we had the opportunity to watch "games" as Bandin entertained us with his death. Tahka also purchased the illicit drugs from us, and as a token of his appreciation, directed us to another colleague of his, Bargos the Hutt, based on Socorro, who is in need of help with a "trifling task"...
And so we left off...